Brock Uni Digital Scholarship Lab

Brock Uni Digital Scholarship Lab Introduction to Python (15:00 - 16:00 | 28/10/2021)

I found out about these events through Eventbrite post-bootcamp. I wanted to keep my mind fresh and current coupled with the fact that the majority of events were online, in the evening and for free meant that it was convenient to attend.

This workshop covered basic python syntax and use of variables, functions, for-loops, math operations and conditionals. The examples were displayed with the use of Juypter Notebook platform.

Brock Uni Digital Scholarship Lab Machine Learning with Python (15:00 - 16:00 | 11/11/2021)

This session discussed a high level overview on machine AI learning and how Python is being leveraged to perform these tasks. The example case study was predicting fatalities of passengers and their demographics aboard the ill-fated Titanic. The intricacies on how the code was working to come up with the predictions was not explained because the subject is convoluted and the hour long class is not the right forum to begin those discussions. Really, the talk was to intrigue and give a taster to those more interested in the field.