This has been the second week since some restructuring resulting in a scaled-down workforce. I anticipate more admin and management related tasks will be heading my way as we attempt to balance the workload and reduce burn-out between the remaining team members. Although it's sad to see integral members of a team leave the company, I'm happy to see them progress on to new endeavours and more challenging projects. I'm also thankful for the value and support they provided to the organisation and I like to think they left the project now in a better situation than when they first arrived. Reorganisation and redistribution of responsibilities doesn't always sit well with employees but at the level I'm on, I do not have that much accountability and am not getting a salary that compensates for taking on the extra work effort. So, it's good to take every task as an experience and gain as much learning as possible so you're ready to perform in a role where you suddenly find yourself more accountable!
We had a catchup event to keep up-to-date on the annual all-team event in September. We were discussing logistics, planning and timings. The gravity of the event is sinking in now as the weeks go by... We had a print planning meeting where I am looking to take on some small-ish projects which could bring value back to the organisation:
A revamp of the component UI library with more atomic level design concepts.
Use Drupal A11y module as a checkor for common accessibility issues. AXE dev tools extension is also recommended. This aligns well with my quarterly goal of learning about testing so there's merit in investigation here.
Some more tickets on pesky styling issues which are going to be time-consuming to find a fix for and likely will be more of a hack or band-aid solution. I'm currently working on revising the functionality of an inaccessible modal. This is difficult as I have no experience with jQuery (I'm using Jon Duckett's hard copy as a foundation for the syntax and he is adept at explanations with illustrations and code snippet examples) and locating the exact script responsible for the modal is cryptic in a production codebase with minified and hashed files. I know I am late to the party with regards to jQuery but it is still used on many legacy sites and it would be nice to compare how common functionality is performed with the library and then replicating the feature with modern native JS.